Construction stone export resume



PANJTAN STONE Quarry Factory was established in 1358 with the aim of producing construction stones as the first quarry factory in Seng Shiraz - Baramshor, and after that, after gaining experience in the production and distribution of stone in the domestic market, it exported construction stones to other countries. The border of the Persian Gulf and the northwestern neighbors of our country expanded its activities.

Factory units:

Since the goals of this factory are much higher than just stone production, in order to achieve these goals, in addition to the production unit, it has set up consulting, design, and research and development units as follows:

Production unit: The production hall includes all stone processing lines using polished, ax, bushhammer-sandplast, leather, sub-zero-India, Badbar-Malone, subklang methods.

Customer consultation unit: Since 2013, by setting up the consultation unit, it has provided services related to technical, physical, location, stone, etc., appropriate to the topic of construction projects.

Design unit: After that, by setting up the design unit, it has provided architectural design services, facade, decoration, landscaping, etc. with building stones.

Research and development unit: The research and development unit has been set up to provide new designs in the stone industry in order to gain more customer satisfaction.

By studying the successful methods of providing services of prominent stone factories in Europe (Italy) and modeling them, as well as by launching all the above units, we have proudly announced to all our customers:

"We are with you from consultation, design, cutting and processing, implementation of stone to exploitation"


Some of our clients:

In 37 years of direct activity in the field of production and distribution of construction stones in our beloved country, Panj Ton stone factory has left behind a brilliant history, which due to the large number of projects, the list of some of the projects that have been carried out in recent years We have cooperated with them directly and indirectly for the production and distribution of building stone.

Iran University of Science and Technology - Tehran

Mehr Housing, Mehr Imam Reza (AS) - km 35 of Shiraz Isfahan Road

Mehr Sadra Housing - Shiraz

Mehr Pardis Housing - Tehran

International swimming pool of the revolution - Shiraz

The huge Iranmal project - Tehran

The huge project between Al Haramin - Shiraz

Shah Cheragh (AS) extension project - Shiraz

Shah Cheragh Market Project - Shiraz

Qom Grand Bazaar Project - Qom

Hafiziyah St. - Shiraz

General Department of Roads and Urbanization of Larestan - Fars

General Welfare Department of Fars - Shiraz

Aflak Structure Campus Company - Abadan Refinery Building Executive

Jundi Shapour Company - Refinery construction manager

and many other administrative, commercial, welfare, and residential projects during 37 years of hardworking history...

Finally, with the hope of mutual cooperation, this design-production-industrial unit will share its capabilities in the field of consulting, designing, selling and implementing building stones with: municipalities, contracting companies, consulting engineering companies, technical offices and other companies. and public and private organizations.






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سنگ مرمریت گندمک

Borna stone factory